Tools required:
1 x long screwdriver
1) Remove the spring cover:
Once you have removed the spring cover, reposition your rebounder legs and turn your rebounder right side up.
2) Hook the spring:
Insert the long screwdriver into the hook of the spring on the side that is attached to the mat cleat. The mat cleat is the U-shaped steel connected to the mat of your rebounder. The sharp end of your screwdriver should be pointed towards the frame of your rebounder and the handle of screwdriver should be towards the rebounder mat.
3) Turn the screwdriver:
Keeping the screwdriver relatively parallel to the floor, slowly bring the handle of the screwdriver towards the frame of the rebounder. As you do this, the spring hook will begin to lift up and away from the mat cleat. As you keep turning the screwdriver, the spring will suddenly disconnect from the mat cleat. The sudden action of this disconnection causes a clacking of the rebounder spring against the metal of the mat cleat and screwdriver. It is important to be aware and expect this quick and sudden event to ensure you are not startled by it.
4) Complete removal:
Remove the screwdriver. Use your hand to remove the spring hook that is still connected to the frame of your rebounder.
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